Taking another step

 So, now I'm trying English writing to see whether I will have more followers and followers who would read, comment, share their experiences with me.

I shared the previous posts in Turkish with the MS groups in Turkey whom I thought would be interested and would follow the blog regularly. I also shared it with a couple of friends. But it seems that I am quite off the scale😏 

For the time being this is my first piece in English. Later, as time and energy permit I will try to translate my Turkish entries into English.

"The experience with the pandemic made me see that it is increasingly becoming difficult for me to be present in the office setting physically on full-time capacity fir five days a week from 09.00am to 05.00pm. This is totally due to health concerns. I am looking for jobs that are more flexible where I can work from home but when necessary I can be physically present in the office. Certainly, the distance between where I stay and where I work is an important factor in my ability to be physically present in an office setting. If there is less distance between work and home it is less challenging."

These were the words through which I shared with a colleague my state of (physical) capacity, my rather fluctuating capacity to be physically active through the weeks and, sometimes on a daily basis. The pandemic offered me the experience to stay almost all day at home. It was good with my boss as I call her, the dog, 15 years old, my wise accompany:)) I gained weight around 3 pounds; got reluctant to go outside which was somewhat reasonable under pandemic conditions. I forced myself really hard to stay hopeful, and times challenging the reality, the state of everyday facts in the face of increasing COVID-19 cases; increasing ratio of deaths due to COVID-19 related complications.

My father's passing away due to COVID-19 related heart failure in September 2020 showed me the challenges of physical distance. It was a time where I had handle the procedures from far away, a time of self-reflection, talking to dad in my memories, dreams - which still continues - and I could only spare a bit of that for mourning - which I know will not come to an end until I stay by his grave and whisper my goodbye stories.

Now, with the both doses of Pfizer I am feeling relieved, but still tempting to stay at home, and still reluctant to go out. 

Life might be really good at home, of course, when you are surrounded by your loved ones in peace.

As I talk about MS

So, here is a bunch of recent responses from those who hear about my MS-life, first time. Some are great, in total solidarity, written, told...